perspectives 2019
Premier event for the German chemical and pharmaceutical sector
Perspectives 2019 exclusively targets business leaders, senior executives and decision makers in managerial roles. It will be held at Frankfurt am Main Airport (Hilton / The Squaire) on June 13, 2019.
It's important to make clear, courageous decisions, especially in volatile, uncertain times. Managers need to venture into new directions, challenge entrenched structures and hierarchies, find new opportunities in success and failure and be more of a coach than an overseer to their staff. We invite you to join us in exploring why courage is probably the most important business virtue of our time and in trying to answer a vital question: What is courage, and what does courageous action mean?
The speakers: Minds, ideas, perspectives
Benedikt Böhm

Extreme skier and business owner
Prof. Dr. Heinz-Walter Große

Management Board B. Braun Familienholding SE & Co. KG,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Aesculap
Stefan Messer

CEO Messer Group
Dr. Markus Rarbach

Head of Business Line Biofuels & Derivatives, Clariant
Dr. Gerwin Schüttpelz

CEO cph Deutschland Chemie GmbH
Dr. Henning Löser

Head of Audi Production Lab